Statistics Department
Faculty of Science and Mathematics
Universitas Diponegoro
Statistics for a Better Future
Always optimistic and dream as champion
Statistics Alumni of Universitas Diponegoro, class of 2005, is a senior researcher and AI practitioner in sustainable agriculture precision for palm oil. Established PT. Mount Seraya Agrotechno, an AI and technology company in agriculture.
Statistics News
Forstat Webinar: Improving the Quality and Governance of Scientific Journals Towards National Accreditation and Reputable International Indexing
On December 16th 2023, the Statistics Department hosted the Workshop "Improving the Quality and...
The Practitioner Lecture at the Statistics Study Program, Diponegoro Univercity, focused on Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies and International Trade
On November 30, 2023, the first practitioner lecture was conducted online for the students of the...
5th Series of “Jagongan On Stat” Statistics Seminar: Exploring the Role of Statistics in the Mining Industry
On Friday, November 18 2023, the online seminar series "Jagongan On Stat" initiated by IKALISTA...
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