On December 16th 2023, the Statistics Department hosted the Workshop “Improving the Quality and Governance of Scientific Journals Towards National Accreditation and Reputable International Indexing” held by the Indonesian Statistics Higher Education Forum (Forstat). The event was held online via Zoom Meeting and hosted by Puspita Kartikasari, S.Sc., M.Sc., lecturer at Statistics Department, Diponegoro University. The opening was delivered by the Head of Forstat, namely Yudhie Andriyana, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D and the Head of Statistics Department, Diponegoro University, Dr. Drs. Tarno, M.Sc.
The focus of this webinar is strategies for achieving journal indexing both nationally and internationally. In the competition for research and publications, the need to fulfill strict criteria for national accreditation and international indexing is important. Spoke person Prof. Dr. Istadi, S.T., M.T. and Dr. Elly Matul Imah, M.Kom. provide insight into technical and managerial aspects of journal quality and governance. Prof. Istadi, S.T., M.T. from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University, explained about Publication Ethics in the Management of Scientific Journals as well as Governance and Quality Improvement of Scientific Journals Towards Reputable International Indexes. Meanwhile, Dr. Elly Matul Imah, M.Kom. from the Surabaya State University Data Science Study Program provides insight into the Substance Standards of National Journal Accreditation as well as Governance and Quality Improvement of Nationally Accredited Scientific Journals. Moderators for the event was Mr. Arief Rachman Hakim, S.Sc., M.Sc., who is one of the lecturers at Statistics Department, Diponegoro University and Mrs. Winita Sulandari, S.Si., M.Si., who is one of the program lecturers at Sebelas Maret University Statistics Study Program. Participants who took part in the event were 65 people from various universities showing interest and recognition of the importance of this topic in the academic community. It is hoped that this activity can provide benefits for improving the quality of journals within the FORSTAT organization.