The Data Mining Workshop was held from Thursday to Friday from 20 to 21 October 2016. The event was held in the hall of the 1st floor of the Geothermal Building of FSM Undip. The activity was attended by lecturers and students at various state universities. The total participants were 100 participants both lecturers and students from various state universities. Some participants came from Udinus, Unnes, UNS, Unissula, UII and UGM. The speaker is Prof. Budi Santoso, MS, Ph.D, he is a lecturer in the ITS Industrial Engineering Department. Module 1 discussion: Introduction to Data Mining from 09.30-10.30 West Indonesia Time, led by Prof. Budi Santosa, Ph.D. In these activities he explained the information regarding of what data mining is, the discipline of data mining and examples of daily activities related to data mining. At 10.30-11.45 West Indonesia Time the program continued with module 2: Preprocessing data. During the session, Prof. Budi Santosa Ph.D explained about the definition of data preprocessing, data cleaning, data integration, data reduction, data transformation and data discretization. He also explained in detail about preprocessing data, from understanding, checking and how to overcome them. At 13.00-14.45 the program continued with the delivery of module 3 material: Classification Methods. On this occasion, Prof. Budi Santosa, Ph.D explained about the classification methods that are available within data mining. The classification methods include the classification method with decision trees, ID3 and C4.5, CART, KNN and Discriminant analysis. He explained some of the classification methods as well as trying on the data and syntax of the program that had been prepared. At the event many participants were very enthusiastic and asked the speaker. The speaker also monitors when participants try to run the program. After module 3, the event will continue on the second day. On the first day, the event ended with a coffee break and the closing of the first day.
The second day of the event began on Friday, October 21, 2016 at 08.30 -09.00 WIB began with registration and coffee break. At 09.00-11.00 WIB the program continued with the discussion of the data mining workshop module. In module 4, it discusses Support vector Machine (SVM) from 09.00-11.00 WIB. In this discussion Prof. Budi Santosa, Ph.D explained about SVM comprehension, procedures in SVM and kernel determination in SVM. In this session participants were also explained in detail the SVM concept. Besides that, the participants also practiced running programs using SVM syntax and prepared data. Then at 13.00-14.00 WIB the program continued with the discussion of Module 5: Support Vector Regression (SVR). In this module, Prof. Budi Santosa Ph.D explained about the concept of SVR, in addition to explaining epsilon support vector regression. At 14.30 WIB the event continued with the closing and photo session with the speaker.