Statistics Department

Faculty of Science and Mathematics

Universitas Diponegoro

Statistics for a Better Future


Always optimistic and dream as champion

Statistics Alumni of Universitas Diponegoro, class of 2005, is a senior researcher and AI practitioner in sustainable agriculture precision for palm oil. Established PT. Mount Seraya Agrotechno, an AI and technology company in agriculture.
Divo Dharma Silalahi

Senior Researcher – SMART Research Institute, PT. SMART TBK


Research and Community Services

Collaborative Community Service: Transforming Paper Waste into Crafts and Business Opportunities for PKK Mothers

On September 30, 2023, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at Diponegoro University, together with the Statistics Program lecturers, Iut Tri Utami, S.Si., Dra. Suparti, M.Si., M.Si., and Dr....

Kalaborasi Departemen Statistika Undip dan Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Jepara Memadukan Keahlian Validasi Data Data Sektoral 2023

Jepara, 16 Mei 2023 - Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas data yang digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan perencanaan strategis, Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Jepara bekerja...

Departemen Statistika Universitas Diponegoro dan PT Techpack Asia Menggelar Pelatihan Statistika dengan Software R

Semarang, 27 April 2022 - Departemen Statistika Universitas Diponegoro bekerja sama dengan PT Techpack Asia telah berhasil menyelenggarakan pelatihan statistika dengan software R, yang dihadiri oleh...

Community Service, Population Statistics Training in Kedungwuni, Pekalongan

The event which was held on November 6, 2014 was held at Walisongo Islamic Middle School Kedungwuni, Pekalongan. With a total of 20 Village Participants for each village in Kedung Wuni sub-district....

Community Service, Population Statistics Training

Statistics Undip, Semarang - As the development of education centers in the region of Central Java and its surroundings indirectly there will be a very fast population mobility in the region of...



Five Statistics Students Achieve Dean’s Award at the 118th Convocation of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University

The 118th Convocation of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at Diponegoro University on November 13, 2023, marked a significant milestone for five students who successfully earned the Dean's...

Inovatif dan Aplikatif: Karya Esai Mahasiswa Statistika Undip Menjuarai Kompetisi Satria Data 2023

Semarang, 25 Agustus 2023 Pada kompetisi Satria Data (Statistika Ria dan Sains Data) tahun 2023 yang diselenggarakan di Universitas Brawijaya, tim Universitas Diponegoro meraih prestasi gemilang....

Statistika UNDIP as 3rd Winner ONS Statistics Festival 2023

The Statistics Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, congratulates Muhamad Syawal (Statistics 2022) and Valentinus Rendy S.W. (Statistics 2022) won 3rd place in the...

Reza Dwi Fitriani, the Most Favorite UNDIP Outstanding Student 2020

Reza Dwi Fitriani, statistics student class 2017 got achievements at the Diponegoro University Outstanding Student Selection 2020 which was held on June, 8th-11th 2020. Based on the final result of...

Gold Medal Award : Japan Design & Invention Expo (JDIE)

On June 2019, Statistics Student Rezky Dwi Hanifa with team win the Golden Medal Award from Japan Design & INvention Expo (JDIE). The team consists of 7 students from different department....

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