Visi & Misi Departemen Statistika
Visi & Misi Departemen Statistika
To become a superior education, implementation and development of statistics programs at national and international level that contributes to economics, finance, actuarial affairs, business, industry, computing and data science, along with social and government fields.
Visi Keilmuan
Organizing education with graduates who have competence in statistics field and its applications with the following advantage:
1. Have the ability of data science, information technology and computation in order to solve problems in economics, finance, actuarial affairs, business and industry along with social and governance.
2. Able to think creatively, innovative, communicative, professionally,prioritizing the public interest.
- Organizing undergraduate level education with curriculum oriented at the needs of economics, finance, actuarial affairs, business and industry, computing and data science along as social and governance.
- Become the center of statistics development and application in economics, finance, actuarial affairs, business and industry, computing and data science along as social and governance.
- Forming network with educational institution, government, business and industry on a national and international scale.