2017 Stadium General 2017 was held on Sunday 1 October 2017 at the Dean Office, 3rd Floor of FSM Undip. The event was attended by statistics students, especially the freshmen of the 2017 class. The first event was a speech from the Head of Department, Dr. Tarno M.Sc. After the head of the department delivered his remarks and opened the event, the next event was the first material delivered by Patricia Wahyu Haumahu. She delivered about statistics majors from 2006-2011, she also delivered researchers at Ipsos and Nielson before continuing his S2 studies in the US, and also explained about her S2 educational experience at purdue university in USA. He explained about whether she was a statistician, and she introduced the book “How to lie with statistics” by Darrel Huff. She also explained that the data scientest is the sexiest job in 21 century. At the session, many students were very enthusiastic to ask questions. In the next session the second material was delivered by Divo Dharma Silalahi, S.Sc. M.Sc. He is a Bachelor Alumni: Statistics of Undip 2005, Alumni of the S2: Statistics in the University of Philippines Los Banos; Doctoral student, Universiti of Malaya, Malaysia. He delivered material regarding information about statistics and how to apply it. Divo also explained about Undip’s alumni statistics before, covering the sector of employment and types of work. Divo also said explained the current problems of scientists in Indonesia is related to publications. Besides that, Divo also explained the position of statistics with mathematics and computer science. Divo also explained how the statistics graduates view when dealing with data. Many of the applications of statistics include climatology, stocks, insurance, biostatistics, bioinformatics, and others. Divo also explained the employment sectors that were in great demand and the opportunities for statistics graduates.